Philosophy of poetry in poet Arun Das' essays.
Dipali Malty
(Ph.D scholar in English in YBN university, Ranchi, Jharkhand. )
Concentration on philosophy of poetry:
Concentration on the matter with the help of sub-consciousness, gives proper forms like structure, area and geometry which give feelings like love, sorrow and happiness. According to Vivekananda, "The power of concentration is the only key to the treasure house of knowledge."13
If the poet does not concentrate on the particular matter the sub- consciousness of mind does not improve the way to the supreme consciousness, without supreme consciousness, the z-generation poetry does not realise 'brahma'. I realise the speed of the of the poet's mind which moves in a systematic way to the bottom to top, by systematic use of every components like imagination, emotion and feelings like love, sorrow and happiness; knowledge.
Meditation is a part of z - generation's philosophy of poetry:
Concentration on matter helps the poet or philosopher to meditate on mind to reach the supreme consciousness of mind. Meditation on the matter makes a poet to leave all the material world from our senses only to reach the supreme consciousness of the z- generation poetry.
According to Vivekananda, "Meditation is the one thing. Meditate! The greatest thing is meditation. It is the nearest approach to spiritual life- the mind meditating. It is the one moment in our daily life that we are not at all material-the soul thinking of itself, free from all matter this marvellous touch of the soul."14
With the help of marvellous platform like meditation we must reach to 'bramha' i.e. supreme consciousness of Arun's z-generation's philosophy of poetry. This platform helps to enjoy a new type of poetry in the twenty first century poetry.
Religion on philosophy of poetry:
Religion on philosophy of poetry aids the poet Arun to realise the feelings like love, sorrow and happiness,without religion, there is no poetry, poet Arun in his essay 'Kobitar Form', realises his religions like love, sorrow and happiness. Meditation helps to realise the religion of mind to reach the right way of words to a banyan tree like poetry. Most of the poems are love of nature, women, river etc, religion of poet Arun's philosophy of poetry is love like John keats' religion of love for Fanny Brawne.
Keats's exquisite love letter to Fanny Brawne "Love is my religion- I could die for that I could die for you. My creed is love and you are its only tenet". 15
With the help of the religion of love poet Arun realises his deep seclusion of z-generation poetry.
His love for river Subarna -rekha, birds like dove and duck, woman like Churni etc helps me to portrait his religion of heart.
Molecular diffusion in philosophy of poetry:
Molecular diffusion is a term, I like to give the term to a new medulla in the philosophy of poet Arun's poetry. Without molecular diffusion, the poet does not amalgamate the knowledge, emotion and feelings like the boiling water in the big pot, the water spreads its heat everywhere by the speed like motion, in the same way the molecules like imagination, emotion and feelings are mixed and make a new platform of words. Z - generation poetry must include the molecular diffusion. Then,the words have to reach to the supreme consciousness. The boiling water gives us a new form of water, which is vapour, in the same way the proper molecular diffusion of components gives the poet Arun a new taste of heart of words,which is 'brahma' in poetry.
Consciousness makes a link between sub- consciousness and supreme consciousness on philosophy of poetry:
The imagination on real picture gives the proper image of the matter, consciousness gives a motion to the emotion and feelings on the matter to reach to the sub-conscious mind, naturally the sub-conscious mind gives the words a way which is rectified by supreme consciousness. The z-generation poetry gives a proper step to the philosophy of poetry.
"Consciousness is a mere film to oceans, the subconscious and the super conscious".-
Vivekananda says.16
The poet or philosopher must attach to the conscious mind, subconscious mind and super consciousness. Consciousness helps to particularise the feeling, sub consciousness helps to think and feel naturally and super conscious mind helps to meditates on particular matter to give a new form of words to the poetry.
According to Vivekananda, "our mind is acting on three planes: the sub conscious, conscious and super conscious".17
Without consciousness, sub-consciousness and super-consciousness of mind the new platform of poetry is impossible likewise the vapour is impossible without
Knowledge on philosophy of poetry:
Previous experience of the poet helps to acquire knowledge, previous knowledge is mixed with emotion and feelings and then, the feelings give a knowledgeable way like poetry which the readers will read and acquire knowledge of the poet and also the self understanding knowledge of poetry, if the readers does not share the knowledge of poetry, which is the reader's failure in this position where the poet is succeed as the readers read and acquire the knowledge of the poet.
According to poet Arun, With the help of feelings and experience we understand the depth of knowledge. 18
Sir Francis Bacon Says, "knowledge itself is power".19
According to Vivekananda, "The power of concentration is the only key to the treasure house of knowledge."20
Concentration on a particular matter on philosophy of poetry is the strong point to make a store house of knowledge.
Readers cum critics need on philosophy on poetry:
Readers are the critics, readers create the different types of meaning, the meaning of the poems is not same meaning what the poet wants to realise. All readers are not critics as only some of the readers give the knowledge of the poetry to the society through their writings. To get popularity for poetry readers cum critics must need which is very rare to the present time. According to poet Arun, Critics must give priority to the present writing, previous writings, previous time of writings, and contemporary writers who write their writings depend on the complete point of view. Then, the critics become a good critic.21
To realise 'brahma' i.e. supreme consciousness of the z- generation poetry, we must use sublime spirit of imagination, consciousness, sub- consciousness and supreme consciousness of mind, emotion, thinking, feeling, experience and knowledge. Meditation and experience bring the serenity of mind, supreme consciousness helps to analyze the word 'brahma'.Every ingredients are utilized in a simple way to reach the highest form which is supreme consciousness, the z-generation poetry is a new form in the twenty first century, so this type of poetry gives a new touch to the new aspirants like readers and critics, I realize the sublime spirits which I have to include in the article,in my heart after the completion of the article named philosophy of poetry in Poet Arun's essays. This type of consciousness for the society and nature makes the poet Arun a great philosopher who will be the pioneer of the z-generation poetry in the twenty first century of poetry for future generation.
1. Das, Arun . Kobitar Form, ed February 2020.Paschim Medinipur: Amritakhar, page 43.
4. Das, Arun. Kobitar Form, ed February 2020. Paschim Medinipur: Amritakhar, page 84.
6. Das, Arun. Kobitar Form, ed February 2020. Paschim Medimipur: Amritakshar, page 25.
7. Das, Arun . Kobitar Form, ed February 2020. Paschim Medinipur: Amritakhar, page 84
8. Das, Arun. Kobitar Form, ed February 2020. Paschim Medinipur: Amritaksar Page 65.
9. Das, Arun . Kobitar Form, ed February 2020. Paschim Medinipur: Amritakhar, page 81.
10. Das, Arun. Kobitar Form, ed February 2020. Paschim Medinipur: Amritakhar, Page 81.
11. Das, Arun. Kobitar Form, ed February 2020. Paschim Medinipur: Amritakhar, page 82.
12. http://en.m.wikipedia
14. Ibid.
17. Ibid.
18. Das, Arun. Kobitar Form, ed February 2020. Paschim Medinipur: Amritakhar, Page 54.
19. 20.
21. Das, Arun. Kobitar Form, ed February 2020. Paschim Medinipur: Amritakshar, Page 18-19.