Philosophy of poetry in poet Arun Das' essays-2
Dipali Maity
(PhD scholar in English in YBN university, Ranchi, Jharkhand. )
Reflection is a part of Philosophy of poetry:
Reflection is a superb part of the philosophy of poetry. Without reflection of the matter, the poet or philosopher does not acquire real knowledge through imagination. According to Engels, "our consciousness and thinking, however supra sensuous they may seen, are the products of a material bodily organ, the brain matter is not a product of mind, but mind itself is merely the highest product of nature".4
Reflection helps the poet to think, reflection of the matter on mind is the same picture of matter but the reflection strikes into the mind to think the matter's meaning, the reflection gives a proper knowledge of the matter. The reflection on the mirror of the picture is not equal to the reflection on the mind of the matter as the mind strikes the sub-conscious mind to think about the matter, the mirror does not gives us any knowledge except the same picture but, we imagine the reflection of matter like the reflection of matter on mirror. When consciousness of mind takes a photo copy of the matter, reflection gives us the proper knowledge. Here artificial reflection of matter is used to differentiate the proper knowledge of the readers' imaginative eyes. So the poet Arun gives me a healthy happy reflection of the society to search an ambiguous meaning of words of poetry i.e. 'brahma'.
Eis a supreme part of the philosophy of poetry:
Vivekananda says, "Emotions have more connection with the senses than with the faculty of reasons; and therefore, when principles are entirely lost sight of and emotions prevail, religions degenerate into fanaticism and sectarianism."5
Both emotion and consciousness are component. Through emotion the poet touches the deep consciousness, without ardent emotion, the poet does not keenly enter the supreme consciousness, the poet enters the limitless incorporeal feelings like love, happiness and sorrow. Without ardent emotion the poet does not love a red rose, feel sad after seeing accident, feel happy in heart after dwelling in a hill area.
Emotion helps to reach top and down of the hills. Emotion aids the readers to read the poetry and acquire knowledge. Without emotion, there is no philosophy of poetry.
Ardent emotion helps the poet Arun to give us the real natural beauty of flowing Subarnarekha river, pure holy love for flower, woman, bird and nature. Ardent emotion is a demonstrative power for the poet Arun to reach to the supreme consciousness of mind of the philosophy of poetry.
Feeling on philosophy of poetry:
Like consciousness, sub consciousness and super consciousness, feeling is a very important part to the philosophy of poetry. Without feeling, there is no poetry. Feeling gives the particular platforms like love, happiness and sorrow. So feeling makes a poet the poet of love, sorrow and happiness. When I read the essay 'Kobitar Form' I see the poet Arun Das, he is the poet of love and sometimes the poet of sorrow and happiness also. Feeling is a very important spirit for both the readers and the poets. Without feeling, we do not acquire imaginative power, experience and knowledge.
According to poet Arun, proper geometry brings proper feeling in the mind of a poet or the reader, besides feeling of geometry's image, real feeling is motionless, so if we ignore geometry we must ignore the feeling of poetry and poem also.6
Thinking is a fountain in philosophy of poetry:
The waves of thinking are continuous, the waves play a vital role in our consciousness, unconsciousness and sub-consciousness and when we sleep the waves move to the sub- conscious and unconscious mind, so we dream in sleep. Imagination on matter gives a reflection on mind to think about the matter's quality, according to Engels, "but mind itself is merely the highest product of nature".7 So, mind is the head tower of the thinking waves to give the particular meaning of poetry.
According to poet Arun, External feeling creates an excitement and this excitement gives the proper way to the waves of thinking.8
Thinking is like a natural fountain works always. When our blood circulation will stop our thinking will stop for ever then we will become a dead body but, in the time of sleeping the thinking waves work like a natural fountain in our sub conscious mind. So thinking is aneternal part of life till death.
Realism in philosophy of poetry:
Realism creates real imagination on objects. Realism on imagination gives the proper knowledge, emotion and feelings like of sorrow, love, and, happiness. Bertrand Russell says, "We think that grass is green, that stones are hard, and that snow is cold. But physics assures us that the greenness of grass, the hardness of stone, and the coldness of snow are not the greenness of grass, the hardness of stones, and the coldness of snow that we know in our experience, but something very different. The observer, when he seems to himself to be observing a stone is really, if physics is to be believed. Observing the effects of the stone upon himself".9
Realism brings the experience of the poet in the society, the poet has to meet the people and places to acquire the proper knowledge, realism in poetry brings a power of emotion to give feelings like love, sorrow and happiness.
Imagery in philosophy of poetry:
Imagery helps the poets to give the real picture of the poets' heart. Imagination on imageries expresses the symbolism of the society. The imagery not only gives the poet the proper reflection but also helps the poet or philosopher to create knowledge, experience, emotion and feelings. With the help of the external reflection of the image the poet has to link his real knowledge, emotion and feelings. The image gives the area, structure and geometry of the matter, without image, the knowledge, emotion and feeling remain so distance from the poet's mind. Then the readers have to mix their knowledge, emotion and feeling with the poet's knowledge, emotion and feeling and create a new knowledge platform and enjoy the poetry.
Surrealism in philosophy of poetry:
Andre Breton writes, "Free from the exercise of reason and exempted from any aesthetic and moral purpose". And must include, "total liberation of unconsciousness".10
Stephen Spender writes, "Surrealism adopts non-literary techniques in order to stimulate a stream of images, coming supposedly from the sub-conscious mind. The surrealist wished to make poetry a machinery for drilling through the surface of consciousness into the world of passions and fantasies below.....It was the attempt to....construct a world after the pattern of man's most hidden dreams and desires".11
With the help of fancy the poet breaks the boundaries of an image and reaches the new world and makes a surreal world to give a new touch to the readers' hearts. Coleridge uses a term in 'Biographia Literaria', "wiling suspension of disbelief".12 Coleridge uses the term to bring interest in the hearts of the readers about an unnatural matter.