
Something to say.../Kamalika Bhattacharya

Something to say...

Kamalika Bhattacharya 

 _In the Shelter of the Sky_ 

Last night, words gathered
In a secret meeting,
In the faint glow of the moon,
Whispers of unrest fell,
A diary of troubled days.

I listened to their hearts,
The hidden pains within their chests.
Stories bound in an unknown tune,
A strange murmur of mismatched notes.

I gazed up at the sky,
Silent, yet its face changed
Every moment, revealing
Flashes of lightning, anger’s streak,
Conversations of heated disdain,
And in the calm folds of clouds,
A shrouded sulk of resentment.

Are words then companions of the sky?
Do they lighten their burden at night?
Do they erase their sorrows
In the deep bosom of the sky?

Perhaps the sky becomes
Saturated with the pain of words,
And as its rain falls,
The tears of the sky taste of grief.

Oh sky, listen,
I'll let my words float in your cool breeze.
Will you understand the voice of my words?
Will my poems, bound in colorful rhythm,
Dissolve within you?

Those who see pride, greed, and illusions
Within me,
Beyond their mistakes, will you hear
The truth in my words?
In the cries of my anguish,
Will you understand, oh sky?
Will you let a single raindrop fall for me?
In your silent tears,
Will you wash away
All my words, all my pain?

 _White Hair_ 

Your wisdom guides me through,
Your experience helps me learn what's true.
Your support makes me strong and wise,
Your affection finds love in life's disguise.

Your encouragement helps me find myself,
Your wishes protect me from the evil stealth.
You are there to share my every cry,
With three heads, two on your knees lie.

Your quiet presence speaks so loud,
With every wrinkle,  make me proud.
Each line on your face, a story untold,
A treasure of wisdom, worth more than gold.

Don't feel ignored in society's race,
You are the backbone, a timeless grace.
Your white hair, old man, reminds me clear,
Of how I should be in future years...

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